DeepView holistically examines research advancements in plant pathology, focussing on plant-microbe interactions and breakthrough discoveries in rice

A ray of green signal for sustainable agriculture
Greenness stands out. Its variations mirror the environment and ecological characteristics, so much so that AI models can depict landscapes. Greenness is often associated with richness. The loss of greenness in plants is a natural

Nailing down the culprit gene for beating diabetes—a case of duelling effect on rice grain protein
Despite diabetes being an age-old disease of humanity, it still leans in healthcare management, relying on evidence-based interventions termed the lean management system rather than cure. Obesity is the risk factor for the progression of

First CRISPR’d rice with multi-pathogen resistance
Lesion mimic mutants (LMMs) constitutively and spontaneously display genetic lesions (necrotic spots of dead cells) in the absence of pathogenic infection, identical to disease-caused lesions due to likeness between the non-pathogenic and pathogenic syndromes associated

Catalase genes as a handle for manipulating rice blast resistance
Effectors, predominantly of proteinaceous in nature are secretions by pathogenic bacteria and, filamentous oomycete and fungi intended to neutralise the first layer of defense termed pattern-triggered immunity (PTI) also termed as basal immunity in the

Queen Elizabeth II and biotechnology
Watson and Crick’s model of the double helix structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) came into existence in 1953, and in the same year Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne of the United Kingdom…

Multi-pathogen resistance gets anchored
A mechanistic understanding of the genetic basis of plant defense against pathogens is critically important for manipulating resistance to our advantage. In contrast to qualitative…